Is Keto Good For Hair? [Everything You Need to Know]

  • Author: Kara
  • Date: June 10, 2023
  • Time to Read: 10 min.

The keto lifestyle is known for its weight loss benefits, improved energy levels, and mental clarity. However, what many people don’t talk about is how this low-carb diet can affect our hair health. In this article, we will explore whether keto is good for your hair, and what you can expect. I will take you through my experience too.

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Why May You Lose Hair When Eating A Keto Diet?

Hormonal Changes

One of these is hormonal changes, which can affect not only your weight but also your hair growth cycle. When you drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake and increase fats, it can lead to an increase in testosterone levels in women, causing hair thinning or even loss OR hair growth.

Yes, that’s right, it can have a different effect on different people.

Stress Response

Another factor to consider is a stress response.

Going through significant dietary changes like switching to keto can put stress on the body, leading to telogen effluvium – a temporary form of hair shedding where more hairs than normal enter the resting phase of the hair growth cycle.

Nutrient Deficiency

When changing to a keto diet, sometimes people will not balance their nutrients, which can lead to a deficiency in various nutrients.

Riboflavin, biotin, folate, and vitamin B12 deficiencies have all been associated with hair loss. We’ll explore this further below.

However, it’s essential to note that genetics may also play a role in how individuals respond to any dietary change.

Therefore, while keto may work wonders for one person’s scalp health, it could have adverse effects on another individual’s hair growth patterns.

Have you been experiencing hair loss while on a keto diet? Well, don’t panic just yet! It is not uncommon to experience some amount of hair shedding when starting any new diet or lifestyle change.

Nutritient Defficient

Iron deficiency is a common issue on keto, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough iron from your food.

Protein deficiency can be a challenge too, so eating high-quality proteins is key for maintaining healthy hair.

Iron Deficiency

I remember when I first started my keto journey, one of the concerns that came up was the potential for becoming nutrient deficient.

One nutrient in particular that can affect hair growth is iron.

Iron deficiency can lead to thinning and brittle hair, which no one wants!

However, as someone who follows a keto diet, I’ve found there are plenty of iron-rich foods that fit into my meal plan.

Leafy greens like spinach and kale, meat such as beef or liver, and even seafood like clams are all great sources of iron.

In addition to incorporating these foods into your meals, you may also consider taking hair growth supplements that contain iron to ensure you’re meeting your daily needs.

Protein Deficiency

Now, while iron deficiency can affect hair growth, another nutrient that you should keep an eye on is protein. Protein plays a crucial role in the formation of hair cells and their maintenance.

Without enough protein, your body may not have the building blocks it needs to produce new hair follicles or maintain existing ones, leading to thinning and brittle hair.

As someone who has been following a keto lifestyle for some time now, I’ve learned that making dietary changes to ensure adequate protein intake is essential for healthy hair growth.

Incorporating foods such as meat, eggs, nuts, and cheese into your meals can help boost your protein levels.

However, if you find yourself struggling to meet your daily requirements through food alone, consider taking supplements designed specifically for promoting healthy hair growth.

Changing Fuel Source

Ketosis is the result of eating a keto diet, which sees your body burning fat for fuel.

The ketone bodies produced by the body during ketosis can help promote healthy hair growth.

Ketosis And Hair Health

When you transition to a keto lifestyle, it’s not just your body that undergoes changes. Your hair and scalp also experience some effects.

One of the most notable benefits is improved scalp health on keto. Since this diet encourages eating healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and fatty fish, which are great for nourishing your hair follicles from within, you’ll notice an improvement in overall hair growth.

Plus, since keto helps regulate hormones like insulin and testosterone levels that can contribute to hair loss or thinning, you may even see a fuller head of hair!

Ketone Bodies And Hair Growth

So, we’ve talked about how keto can improve your scalp health and promote hair growth. Now, let’s dive deeper into the science behind it.

One of the key players in this process is ketone bodies. These are produced by your liver when you’re on a low-carb, high-fat diet like keto. Ketones provide an alternative fuel source for your body since glucose (from carbs) isn’t available in large amounts anymore.

But what does this have to do with hair?

Well, research suggests that ketone bodies may actually stimulate hair follicles and increase blood flow to the scalp, which can lead to stronger, healthier strands.

So not only is keto great for regulating hormones and preventing hair loss, but it also has direct benefits for hair health thanks to these little molecules.

Is Keto Hair Loss Permanent?

From experience of coaching 100s of people on a keto diet, keto hair loss does not appear to be permanent. Most of the clients I have worked with experience keto hair loss in the first few weeks of transitioning onto the way of eating.

After two to three months, most have reported that their hair loss has stalled and they are moving back to ‘normal’.

I have not come into contact with anybody who has experienced long term hair loss on keto.

Treating Keto Hair Loss

So, if you’re experiencing hair loss on the ketogenic diet, don’t worry! It’s usually temporary and there are ways to treat it.

One way is by incorporating hair growth supplements into your daily routine. An alternative is natural remedies to hair loss, which we will go into in further detail below.

Remember that everyone’s experience with keto will vary and what works for one person might not work for another.

Don’t let the fear of temporary hair loss deter you from trying out the benefits of ketosis.

What Are The Best Vitamins For Keto Hair Loss?

Some specific vitamins that are beneficial for hair health include biotin, vitamin D, iron, and zinc. To ensure adequate intake of these vitamins, consider incorporating hair supplements into your daily routine.

Additionally, maintaining proper protein intake and hydration levels can also aid in keeping your locks strong and healthy.

The same is true for keeping your nails strong and healthy.

Hormonal imbalances may also contribute to hair loss; if this is the case for you, consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Other Keto Hair Loss Remedies [Hair Care Products]

I’ve found that taking multivitamins and incorporating nutrient-dense foods into my keto diet can help combat hair loss.

However, there are other remedies worth exploring as well.

One option is using natural ingredients and DIY recipes for hair care products.

This allows for greater control over the ingredients used in these products, ensuring they align with a keto lifestyle.

Best Foods To Eat To Avoid Hair Loss

As someone who has been following a keto lifestyle for a while now, I know firsthand the importance of eating nutrient-rich foods that promote hair health. Incorporating hair strengthening foods into my diet has helped me prevent hair loss and maintain healthy hair growth.

Some of the best foods to eat on a keto diet for preventing hair loss include:

  • Eggs
  • Avocados
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Leafy greens
  • Fatty fish like salmon

These foods are high in vitamins and minerals such as biotin, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron which have all been shown to promote healthy hair growth.

In addition to these foods, taking hair growth supplements can also help support healthy hair growth. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Along with nutrition, having a consistent hair care routine and incorporating natural remedies for hair loss such as scalp massages and essential oils can also contribute to overall hair health when living a keto lifestyle.

What Is The Best Keto Shampoo For Hair Loss?

However, even with a proper diet, sometimes our hair needs extra care. This is where keto shampoo comes in. These specialized hair products contain ingredients such as biotin, collagen, and MCT oil that promote hair growth and strengthen follicles.

If you’re experiencing hair loss or simply want to improve the overall condition of your locks while following a ketogenic diet, investing in a quality keto shampoo can make all the difference.

Don’t forget to pair it with other hair care techniques such as regular trims and avoiding heat styling tools to achieve optimal results!

The Other Side: Keto Diet Thicker Hair

Now that we’ve covered how to prevent hair loss on keto, let’s talk about the other side: how keto can actually promote thicker hair.

One of the major hair benefits of a ketogenic diet is its ability to boost nutrient intake. By cutting out processed foods and focusing on whole, nutritious foods such as leafy greens, nuts, and healthy fats like avocado oil, you’re giving your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to support strong and healthy hair.

In addition to improved nutrient intake, many people find that their hair becomes stronger and thicker on keto due to reduced inflammation in the body. This can lead to less damage and breakage, allowing for more styling options and overall better hair health.

So if you’re looking for a way to not only lose weight but also improve your locks, give keto a try!

Does Keto Make Your Hair Greasy?

Hormonal changes caused by transitioning onto keto can make a difference to your hair, which can lead to it appearing greasy. As will hair loss, it has been my experience that people who experience greasy hair on keto normally see this settling down after a month to six weeks.

Here are some hygiene tips and hair care recommendations that may help combat oily scalp caused by the ketogenic diet:

  • Wash your hair regularly but don’t overdo it as excessive washing can strip natural oils from your hair. This leads to your scalp overcompensating and producing more oil to replace what is left.
  • Use dry shampoo between washes to absorb excess oil.
  • Consider using gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for oily hair.
  • Avoid heavy hair products like gels or waxes that can weigh down your hair and make it look even more greasy.

It’s important to note that while oily scalp may be a temporary side effect of starting a new diet, it shouldn’t last forever.

If you find that your hair is still excessively greasy after following these tips, consider speaking with a dermatologist or hairstylist for personalized advice on how to manage your specific concerns.

Remember: everyone’s body reacts differently to dietary changes, so be patient and give yourself time to adjust before making any drastic changes to your hair care routine.

Why Is My Facial Hair Growing On Keto Diet?

While there is no scientific evidence proving that keto has a direct impact on hair growth, many people have reported experiencing an increase in facial hair growth while following the diet.

This can be attributed to the hormonal changes that occur when consuming high amounts of healthy fats and reducing carbohydrate intake. The body begins to produce more testosterone which can lead to increased facial hair growth.

However, it’s important to note that nutrient intake also plays a significant role in hair health and growth. Adequate protein consumption is essential for stimulating hair follicles and promoting strong, healthy strands.

So if you’re experiencing an increase in facial hair growth on keto, make sure you’re still getting enough protein and other essential nutrients to support overall hair health.

Keto Hair [My Experience]

I started to take a collagen supplement and noticed that my nails were much stronger.

After being on the keto diet for around three months I noticed some remarkable changes in my hair.  I experienced a lot of baby hair growing around my hairline – this was especially noticeable when I pulled my hair back.

I’ve always had thick hair, but this was even more extreme.

Thankfully, I did not notice an increase in facial hair on the keto diet. Something else that I did notice was an improvement in my skin. After a couple of months on keto, it was glowing.

What about your experience?

What has your experience been?

What has your experience with keto hair been? Did you lose hair on keto? Or did it grow thicker? Or did you not notice any difference?

Let us know in the comments below.

Wrapping Up: Keto Hair

In conclusion, as someone who has been living a keto lifestyle for quite some time, I can attest that hair loss is not an inevitable consequence of this diet.

While it’s true that there are potential nutrient deficiencies to watch out for and the temporary cutting off of your body’s primary fuel source may cause some shedding, these issues can be mitigated with proper supplementation and attention to your overall health.

On the flip side, many people report having thicker, healthier hair when they go keto.

And while you might notice some changes in how oily or dry your scalp feels as your body adapts to this new way of eating, chances are good that any facial hair growth you’re experiencing is due more to genetics than ketosis itself.

As with any major dietary change, it pays to do your research and consult with a healthcare professional before diving into keto – but don’t let the fear of losing locks hold you back from trying something new!

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