Constipated On Keto? [Find Out Why And How To Overcome It]

  • Author: Kara
  • Date: August 21, 2023
  • Time to Read: 10 min.
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Are you on the keto diet but feeling constipated? You’re not alone! Many people struggle with this uncomfortable side effect while trying to stay in ketosis. But don’t despair – there are steps you can take to overcome it and still enjoy all the benefits of a low-carb lifestyle. In this article, we’ll explore why this problem occurs, as well as how to get relief from constipation on keto.

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You’ve likely heard about the many successes that come from sticking to a strict low-carb or keto diet, such as improved energy levels and weight loss.

But if you’re new to eating this way, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by all that comes with making dietary changes – especially if one of those changes includes dealing with constipation.

Constipation can be an annoying roadblock for some people who are trying out a new diet plan, whether it’s keto or any other diet. So let’s dive into what causes it and how you can prevent it going forward.

We know that having these issues isn’t fun and nobody wants to talk about being backed up more than they have to.

That’s why we’re here to provide helpful tips on how to manage your symptoms while keeping up with your health goals.

Whether you’re just starting the keto diet or have been doing it for years, our advice will help make sure your digestion stays regular so you can continue reaping the benefits of eating low carb without any additional stressors.

Definition Of Constipation

Constipation is a condition in which you have fewer than three bowel movements a week. It can be caused by many things, including not getting enough fiber from your diet.

If you’re on the keto diet, constipation may be an issue for you due to its low dietary fiber intake.

However, it’s important to note that while the ketogenic diet might cause constipation, there are ways around it.

Symptoms Of Constipation

Constipation is an uncomfortable condition that can make it difficult to go about your daily activities. It’s a common side effect of following a low-carb diet, like the keto diet. If you’re constipated on keto, here are some symptoms to look out for:

  • Infrequent bowel movements – fewer than three per week
  • Difficulty passing stools (straining or hard stool)
  • Abdominal cramping and bloating
  • A feeling of incomplete evacuation after using the restroom

Treating constipation on keto starts with understanding its causes.

Constipation may be caused by dehydration, not drinking enough fluids while consuming a high fat/low carb diet; inadequate consumption of fiber from leafy greens or soluble fibers such as psyllium husk.

Also not taking in sufficient amounts of magnesium citrate which helps move waste through your digestive system.

Additionally, adding probiotic foods into your meal plan will also provide beneficial bacteria to aid digestion.

The combination of these strategies provides a comprehensive approach to relieving constipation effectively so you can continue enjoying all the benefits that come with eating a low carb diet.

Dietary Changes To Relieve Keto-Related Constipation [Top Tips]

If you’re constipated on a low-carb or keto diet, there are several dietary changes that can help.

First, increasing your fiber content by replacing some of the fats in your meals with non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale and spinach will give your body the extra roughage it needs to move things along.

Additionally, as we have already discussed, making sure you drink plenty of water daily is important because dehydration can cause constipation.

Increasing fluid intake overall helps too; try adding herbal teas or bone broth to increase hydration levels while also providing added health benefits.

Overall, when dealing with constipation while following a keto diet, it’s best to focus on eating more fibrous foods and drinking ample amounts of fluids throughout the day.

Making these small adjustments to your lifestyle should make a big difference in relieving any digestive discomfort caused by being on a low carb plan.

Increase Fiber Intake

If you’ve been experiencing constipation since starting a keto diet, it’s likely due to lack of fiber. It is important to understand the sources and types of fiber that can provide relief.

Good sources of keto friendly dietary fiber come from fruits, vegetables, and nuts and seeds.

There are two main types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water in the intestines while insoluble fiber helps keep stools soft by adding bulk.

Foods high in fiber contain more than five grams per serving with low-carb options such as raspberries (8 g), almonds (3 g), avocado (6 g), chia seeds (11 g) and flaxseeds (7g).

Eating lots of these foods can help get your daily intake up without taking away too many carbohydrates from your macro goals.

Additionally, there are some supplements available that provide additional forms of both soluble and insoluble fibers like psyllium husk that may be helpful if eating food with naturally occurring fibers isn’t enough.

Incorporating these low-carb sources into your meals will help reduce symptoms associated with constipation on keto so that you can feel better quickly!

For more on this, check out this article.


When it comes to constipation on a keto diet, exercise can be an important part of the solution. Exercise therapy consists of activities that increase blood flow and get your energy levels up – both of which are essential for eliminating waste from your body.

Here are some ways you can incorporate physical activity into your daily routine:

  • Aerobic exercises such as running, walking or cycling
  • These activities help improve circulation and reduce constipation symptoms
  • They also give you more energy throughout the day
  • Strength training exercises like lifting weights
  • This type of exercise helps build muscle mass, which in turn increases metabolism and encourages regular bowel movements
  • It also improves posture, making it easier for waste products to move through your system quickly.

Physical activity is key when it comes to relieving constipation on a ketogenic diet. Regular aerobic and strength training exercises can help keep things moving smoothly throughout your digestive tract.

Plus, they’ll boost your energy levels so you don’t feel sluggish all day long. So make sure you include exercise as part of your daily routine if you want to avoid constipation while following a keto diet.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are a great way to get your digestive system back on track while following the keto diet.

Magnesium supplements can help ease constipation and improve overall digestion by relaxing muscles in the gut, as well as providing other health benefits.

It’s important to consult with your doctor before taking any supplement though.

Adding fiber into your daily routine is another essential part of overcoming constipation on the keto diet.

Aim for around 25-35 grams per day from sources such as non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

Incorporating probiotic supplements or eating fermented foods may also be beneficial in improving digestion and relieving symptoms of constipation.

You could even try adding bone broth to soups or smoothies for an extra boost of minerals and amino acids that can help promote better bowel movements.

Finally, make sure you’re getting enough greens every day – this will ensure you have all key vitamins and minerals that are needed for proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract!

Over-The-Counter Medications

Moving on from herbal remedies, over-the-counter medications are a viable option to consider for constipation relief.

These medications can be easily purchased in pharmacies or online, so it is important to understand the various components of each and how they work together.

The most common ingredients found in these medications include magnesium oxide, which helps draw water into the intestinal tract; psyllium husk, which increases bulk and softens stool; lactulose, which works by stimulating increased movement through the intestines; polyethylene glycol (PEG), which lubricates the intestine walls enabling easier passage of stools; and docusate sodium, which acts as a mild surfactant allowing better absorption of water and fats within feces.

Here’s what you need to know about OTC medications:

  • Magnesium oxide helps with digestion by increasing fluid levels in your digestive tract and reducing inflammation. It has been studied extensively by American Society for Nutrition and other researchers, who found that supplementing with magnesium was effective in relieving symptoms associated with constipation.
  • Psyllium husk is derived from plantain seed husks and forms an insoluble gel when mixed with liquid. This gel helps soften stools making them pass more quickly through the gastrointestinal system. It also adds additional bulk to help promote regularity.
  • Lactulose is a sugar substitute used to treat constipation because its molecules are too large for our bodies to absorb. Instead it pulls additional water into the colon creating softer stools that move more quickly out of the body.
  • Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) is a synthetic compound made up mainly of lactic acid and glycerin used to help prevent dehydration in certain medical conditions like chronic kidney disease patients but also serves as an effective laxative due to its ability to lubricate bowel walls helping fecal matter pass more smoothly through the digestive track without causing irritation or discomfort.

In addition to using OTC medication for constipation relief, dietary changes may also be needed including consuming plenty of fiber rich foods.


From the world of OTC medications, we now transition to laxatives. For those on a keto diet who experience constipation, it may be necessary to consider using them as an option for relief.

But before doing so, it is important to understand why this happens in the first place and how best to approach overcoming it.

Starchy vegetables are typically eliminated from the keto diet due to their high carbohydrate content; however, they also provide dietary fiber which is essential for healthy digestion and regular bowel movements.

Without sufficient intake of dietary fiber, constipation can occur even if one consumes enough water and follows a balanced keto diet with other low-carbohydrate options such as fatty fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, meat, and dairy products.

The solution lies in finding alternative sources of dietary fiber that are keto friendly foods like avocados, olives and dark leafy greens.

If these don’t provide adequate relief then adding supplements that contain insoluble or soluble forms of fiber may help create bulkier stools that pass more easily through your system.

Overall, understanding what causes constipation on a ketogenic diet and taking steps towards increasing dietary fiber intake will result in better digestive health overall.

Making sure you’re getting plenty of fluids each day along with incorporating nutrient rich whole foods into your meals can make all the difference in restoring normal bowel function while still staying within the confines of your chosen eating plan.


One way to reduce constipation symptoms on these types of diets is through the use of enemas. An enema can help flush out your system and provide relief from constipation. It’s important to note that using an enema should only be done on a regular basis if recommended by your doctor or dietician.

Enemas are usually made up of either water or some type of herbal solution, depending on what you’re looking for in terms of relief from constipation.

The amount used will depend on how much constipation is present, but generally speaking 2-3 liters per day is enough for most people.

When adding enemas into your diet plan, make sure to also include plenty of fiber and hydration as part of the regimen.

Doing this helps support healthy gut bacteria, which can improve digestion and reduce the likelihood of becoming constipated again in the future.

In order to ensure optimal results when using enemas with keto and low carb diets, it’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions closely and stick to the suggested amounts outlined in your diet plan.

Remember that everyone is different so adjust accordingly based on how you feel after each treatment until you find the right balance for you!

Long-Term Solutions

Fortunately, constipation on the keto diet can be managed with some long-term solutions. First and foremost is to maintain your blood sugar levels by eating low glycemic index foods that are high in fiber.

Eating a variety of fiber-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables will help you reach your daily dietary needs for carbohydrates.

Additionally, including nonstarchy vegetables into your diet helps ensure proper hydration, which is essential for keeping things moving along smoothly through your digestive system.

Finally, it’s important to build up healthy gut bacteria that aids digestion.

This can be done by incorporating probiotic supplements or fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi into your routine.

With these simple steps, you’ll find yourself feeling much better in no time!

Normally constipation on keto does not last more than a few days.

Wrapping Up: Constipation On Keto

Constipation can be a difficult and uncomfortable experience, especially if you’re on the keto diet. It is normally only short lived. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help alleviate your constipated symptoms.

It’s important to talk to your doctor about any discomfort or changes in bowel habits that worry you. Your doctor may recommend certain dietary adjustments or lifestyle changes that could reduce your risk of developing constipation while still allowing you to stay on the keto diet. It’s also wise to keep track of foods that cause constipation so you can avoid them in the future.

Overall, understanding why and how constipation happens when following a ketogenic diet is key in being able to effectively manage it.

Do you have any top tips for overcoming constipation on keto? If so, share it with the community in the comments below.

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