[How To] Prevent Water Retention On Keto

  • Author: Kara
  • Date: August 21, 2023
  • Time to Read: 9 min.
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Are you on the ketogenic diet and feeling bloated? You’re not alone. Many people experience water retention while following a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle, making them feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about their appearance. In this article we will explore how you can prevent water retention on keto – giving you back your shapely figure and improving your confidence.

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Water retention occurs when fluids accumulate in different areas of our bodies such as around the ankles or abdomen. This is normally due to poor kidney function or dehydration.

As individuals move away from carbohydrates and towards fats as their primary source of energy, they may find themselves retaining more fluid than usual.

This is because cutting down significantly on carbs encourages cells throughout the body to release stored sodium which leads to increased levels of sugar in the bloodstream resulting in higher amounts of fluid being retained by these cells.

Fortunately, there are several steps one can take to reduce water retention while enjoying all the healthful benefits of a ketogenic diet.

Through dietary adjustments, supplementing electrolytes, and drinking plenty of fluids, you can make sure your body remains hydrated whilst living life keto style!

Keep reading for tips on how to prevent water retention on keto.

Understand The Causes Of Water Retention

It’s no secret that water retention can be a problem for those on the keto diet in the early days. While it may seem like an unsolvable puzzle, understanding the causes is half the battle won.

To get to grips with this issue, let’s take a closer look at why you might experience water retention and what you can do about it.

First things first—the most common cause of water retention on the keto diet is electrolyte imbalances.

When your body doesn’t have enough sodium or other minerals, it starts to retain more fluid than normal in order to maintain balance.

This phenomenon is known as “water weight” because excess fluid buildup can make you feel bloated and heavier than usual.

Luckily, this kind of water retention isn’t permanent and can usually be remedied by making some changes to your lifestyle and nutrition habits.

So how exactly do you go about getting rid of unwanted fluids?

We will explore some of our top tips for overcoming water retention on keto below.

Increase Your Salt Intake

When it comes to preventing water retention on keto, increasing your salt intake is an important step. You may not think of salt as a helpful tool when trying to reduce fluid accumulation in the body – but getting enough sodium can actually help you get rid of excess fluids more quickly.

Consuming adequate amounts of salt helps draw out extra water from surrounding tissues and improve kidney function, which allows for increased urine output.

This means that excess electrolytes like sodium won’t stay in your system and cause swelling or bloating.

Plus, if you’re already following a low-carb diet, adding additional sources of sodium will also ensure that your cells are adequately hydrated and functioning properly.

So how much should you be consuming? It’s recommended that adults consume about 3-4 grams of salt per day (about one teaspoon).

Make sure to include plenty of salty foods such as olives, salted nuts, pickles, anchovies, and cured meats in your diet.

If needed, you can also supplement with sea salt or Himalayan pink salt to make up for any deficiencies.

Taking this step towards prevention can go a long way towards keeping water retention at bay on keto – so consider upping your salt intake today!

Next we’ll explore increasing potassium levels as another strategy for avoiding unwanted fluid buildup.

Increase Your Potassium Intake

Potassium plays an essential role in managing fluid balance throughout our bodies.

Without enough of it, our cells retain extra liquid which leads to swelling and discomfort.

On a ketogenic diet, we already tend to be low on potassium due to eliminating certain high-potassium foods such as potatoes, beans, and bananas.

So, if you want to stay hydrated and happy while sticking with this lifestyle change, supplementing with some additional potassium will help you immensely.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways for us to consume extra potassium without having to reach for pills or supplements – so no need to break the bank here.

Start by swapping out processed snacks for healthier options like avocados, broccoli, and spinach which contain high levels of potassium naturally.

If those don’t seem appetizing (which let’s be real – sometimes they just don’t), try adding some sea salt into your meals instead; not only does it add flavor but also increases overall mineral consumption from sodium AND potassium at once!

Increase Your Magnesium Intake

Magnesium is an essential part of the keto diet and can be one of the most powerful ways to prevent water retention. It’s also a mineral that many people don’t get enough of, so increasing your intake may make all the difference in avoiding uncomfortable bloating.

Here are three key benefits for incorporating more magnesium into your lifestyle:

1) Magnesium helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels, which can reduce puffiness from fluid buildup.

2) By stimulating electrolyte balance, magnesium prevents excess sodium accumulation in cells, further reducing water retention.

3) Increasing your magnesium intake helps relax muscles and nerves, making it easier to stay comfortable while on a low-carb diet.

These advantages provide a sense of security when practicing keto – you’ll know that you’re doing something good for yourself that will help protect against any potential side effects.

Plus, there are plenty of delicious foods high in magnesium like avocado, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds and almonds.

In other words, by upping your magnesium intake you not only have better control over your body but also gain access to tasty snacks – what could be better?

Now that we’ve discussed how important getting enough magnesium is on keto, let’s move onto another topic related to combating water retention – avoiding high-carb foods.

Avoid High-Carb Foods

It can be hard to avoid high-carb foods when you’re on the keto diet, but it’s essential for preventing water retention, as well as remaining in ketosis.

With an ever-growing list of recipes and products that are low in carbs, avoiding these items is becoming less of a challenge.

However, if you want to prevent water retention while following the keto lifestyle, cutting back or eliminating certain higher-carb foods will make a huge difference.

These include the obvious pasta and rice dishes; breads, muffins and biscuits; cereals like granola and muesli; crackers and chips; sweet snacks such as cakes, cookies, candy bars, chocolate bars, ice cream, and milkshakes – all of which should be avoided.

But there are still ways to enjoy food without going overboard with carbs! You can opt for nut flour, such as almond meal instead of wheat flour when baking snacks or desserts at home.

To replace white rice try cauliflower “rice” – simply chop up cauliflower into small pieces then cook them until they reach desired texture.

There are also many delicious alternatives to traditional pastas including zucchini noodles (zoodles) made from spiralizing fresh zucchini.

And don’t forget about healthy snacking options such as nuts and seeds!

So, if your goal is to prevent water retention while sticking to the keto diet then it pays off to keep track of your carb intake by choosing alternative ingredients over their higher-carb counterparts whenever possible.

And remember: stay hydrated with plenty of fluids throughout the day too!

Drink Plenty Of Water

Plenty of pints and potables prompt proper prevention! Water is a wonderful way to ward off water retention when on the ketogenic diet.

Drinking enough liquids keeps levels low and limits the likelihood of liquid logjam.

Here are four fortuitous fluids for keeping your kilos in check:

1. Mineral water – replenishing electrolytes while rehydrating

2. Coconut water – hydrating with healthy minerals, vitamins, and enzymes

3. Herbal tea – soothing the system with antioxidants

4. Bone brothboosting gut health that can aid digestion

These quenching concoctions will help you keep afloat during your keto journey by providing your body with the essential hydration it needs to function optimally.

Allowing yourself adequate access to aqua also helps support optimal metabolic processes, furthering fat burning potential so you can stay lean and mean!

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly is like a powerful engine, running in the background of your life and health. It keeps you energized and ready for anything that comes your way.

For those on the keto diet, exercise can be a critical part of preventing water retention. Not only does it help to balance salt levels, but also helps promote circulation which helps move excess fluid out of the body.

When exercising on keto, it’s important to choose exercises that are low impact yet still give a good workout.

Walking or swimming are two great options as they don’t put too much strain on your joints while providing enough movement to get your heart rate up. This is especially important if you are overweight.

If you prefer more intense activities such as weightlifting or HIIT workouts, make sure to dial back the intensity so as not to overwhelm yourself with fatigue and stress. Taking short breaks throughout your routine can also help keep everything manageable.

Rather than focusing solely on staying hydrated (which is obviously important!), taking the time to incorporate regular exercise into your lifestyle will provide an extra layer of protection against retaining water unnecessarily.

Plus, feeling stronger physically will give you an added boost of confidence – something we all benefit from!

Monitor Your Weight Loss Progress

Monitoring your weight loss progress is an important part of preventing water retention on keto. Keeping track of the changes in your body composition and how you feel can help make sure you’re staying at a healthy rate of loss as well as helping to identify any issues that come up along the way.

It’s essential to have some kind of system for tracking your progress so you know where you stand with regard to achieving your goals.

Helpful Tip

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

• Take measurements: Using body fat calipers or other methods, take regular measurements around different parts of your body such as waist size, hip size, thigh circumference etc. Doing this every few weeks will allow you to get an idea as to whether certain areas are shrinking more/less than others.

• Track how much food you eat: Not only does tracking calories provide insight into how many calories you’re consuming each day, but it also allows you to see if there are any patterns which could be impacting upon your progress (such as over eating).

• Note how you feel: Record physical feelings such as energy levels, hunger levels and cravings throughout the week – these can all be indicators for potential problems with nutrition intake or metabolism efficiency and should not be ignored!

Seeing results from following a ketogenic diet gives us a sense of achievement and belonging; being able to monitor our own successes helps reinforce these positive outcomes further.

Taking time out regularly to evaluate our journey encourages motivation and keeps us focused on reaching our end goal.

Knowing when we need to tweak something here or add something there means nothing stands in the way between us and success — no matter what shape that success may take!

Wrapping Up: Water Retention & Keto

Water retention can be a frustrating side effect of the keto diet, but it’s important to remember that there are ways to prevent it. Taking steps like increasing your salt and potassium intake, avoiding high-carb foods, exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and monitoring your weight loss progress can all help you stay on track with your health goals.

By making these lifestyle changes, I’m sure you’ll start to see results in no time. Take advantage of these tips and don’t let water retention keep you from reaching your full potential! It may take some dedication and discipline at first, but once you establish good habits, you will notice a significant improvement in how much better you feel physically and emotionally.

Don’t give up – focus on long-term success rather than short-term struggles. With proper nutrition and exercise habits in place, controlling water retention is possible for anyone who wants to make healthy strides towards their goal weight or overall wellbeing journey.

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